United Nations Media Partner

Italia News was born in 2010 from a cooperation and collaboration project with some United Nations organizations.
A project that then developed to become first a newspaper with strong propensities for institutional communication,
both Italian and international, and then a real 'news agency'.

Today 'Italia News Press Agency' has many global communicative and journalistic interactions - consulted by millions
of readers in 146 countries around the world - carried out with absolute editorial independence, if not respect
for the famous maxim of the Italian journalistic master Lamberto Sechi: "Facts separated from opinions".

The topics - free, independent communication and without economic profits - addressed range from the Environment and
its now fragile ecosystem, to the world of travel with reportage journalistic without advertising reviews. However, also passing through International and Italian news, as well as Culture, Entertainment, Economy, Work, Foreign Affairs, Health, School, Society, Rights, Science, Technology and the world of Sport. 'Institutional' communication and communication with
a 'humanitarian' target remain fundamental.

'Institutional' communication and communication with a 'humanitarian' target remain fundamental. Italia News, in fact,
through the multiple media collaborations (Media partner) with global and international organizations in general, places precedence towards issues addressed and managed by the United Nations and its humanitarian organizations
throughout the world.

Editorial contacts: press@italianews.org

Media Partner - Accreditation Press - Credit Press

United Nations (New York) - European Parliament - Consiglio d'Europa - Presidenza Repubblica Italiana - Corte Costituzionale Italiana - Presidenza Consigli Ministri (Italy) - Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura (Italy) - Camera dei deputati (Italy) - Ministero Difesa (Italy) - Ministero Affari Esteri (Italy) - Gazzetta Ufficiale Repubblica Italiana - Ministero Affari Esteri (Consiglio Generale Italiani all'Estero CGIE) - Autorità Garante Concorrenza e Mercato (AGCM) - Autorità Garante Dati Personali (AGDP) - Corte Internazionale Giustizia (ICJ) - NATO Stability Policing Centre of Excellence - Santa Sede (Vatican) - Organizzazione Mondiale Sanità (OMS) - World Food Programme (WFP) - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian (OCHA) - Organizzazione Mondiale Turismo (UNWTO) - United Nations Educational, Scientific-Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - International Humanitarian City (IHC) Dubai - United Nations Women - United Nations Global Compact - Polizia Internazionale (Interpol) - Carabinieri - Guardia di Finanza - Polizia di Stato - Europol (European Police) - Censis - Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) New York - Reporters sans frontières (Rsf) - World Press Photo Foundation - International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) - International Journalism Festival - Report for the World - International Air Transport Association (IATA) - International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) - Airports Council International World (ACI) - Airports Council International Europe (ACI) - Aero Space Defence Security - Emirates Airline - Dubai Airshow Dubai Expo City - Euroleague Basketball - Skytrax - World Travel Awards - Business Traveller - Catay Pacific Camera Nazionale Moda Italiana - Giorgio Armani Group - America's Cup - Assaeroporti - Luna Rossa Sail - Greater Miami & Beaches - Studio Legale Cataldi - Borghi d'Italia - Scuderia Ferrari - Adnkronos - Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI) - QS Top Universities - Fly Future - Cote d'Azur France - Paris Airshow - Unione Nazionale Consumatori - Università Cattolica Milano - Ente Nazionale Aviazione Civile (Italy) - Qantas Airway - Flightradar24 - European Cockpit Association (ECA) - European New Agency - European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) - Istituto Studi Politica Internazionale ISPI) - CN Traveller - Leonardo Company - Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) - Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) - International Flight Services Association (IFSA) - Terre des Hommes - Japan Online Media Center (JOMC) - Forbes Press - Tourism Australia - Passport Index - Bureau International des Expositions (Expo) - City of Miami (USA) - White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs (USA-Washington) - Department of Defence USA (Pentagon) - Department of State USA - Executive Office of the President of the United States (White House) - Usa Government - Usa Foreign Service - World Economic Forum (Davos) - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) - World Summit of Governments - Government of Japan - United Kingdom Government - Centro europeo prevenzione e controllo malattie (ECDC) - World Meteorological Organization (WMO) -

Italia News (RS 41/2010) International News and free Communication Press Agency - press@italianews.org