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In San Francisco, Ban celebrates 70th anniversary of UN Charter – 'compass' to a better world
Perpetrators of ‘reprehensible’ terrorist attacks in France, Kuwait and Tunisia must be brought to justice - UN

ROMA (Italy) - Bringing the idea of the United Nations to life required huge leaps of statecraft to bridge differences, declared Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today in San Francisco, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter, which he said “symbolizes the hope and aspirations that we can bring the world as it is a little closer to the world as it should be."

“In signing this document, the founders achieved what many thought impossible. It falls to us to heed the Charter's call to 'unite our strength' and to use their creation – the United Nations – for the common good,” he said, adding that the drafting of the Charter was a “glorious gamble.” Several high-level officials attended the ceremony, including; Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman and Democratic Leader of the United States House of Representatives; Jerry Brown, Governor of California; Edwin Lee, Mayor of San Francisco; and Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, whom the UN chief called the “torchbearer” of her generation.

He said that for two months, they turned San Francisco's War Memorial into a 'Peace Palace.' More than three thousand women and men took part. One of them was Ellen Magnin Newman, a high school senior at the time. She was a Spanish interpreter – and helped everyone speak the universal language of peace, he said welcoming Ms. Newman to the ceremony. With the adoption of the Charter, a world in rubble found a path to renewal, the Secretary-General went on to say, recalling that while he had been born just months before the UN, it did not take long for the Organization to change his world for good.

“When the Korean War ravaged my country, I lost my home, my school, all I knew. Help came bearing the United Nations flag: sacks of grain from UNICEF, textbooks from UNESCO, and many young soldiers from 21 nations, including the United States. The United Nations showed us we were not alone,” said Mr. Ban. “Today, when I travel to refugee camps and conflict areas around the world, I tell young people: you are not alone. I made it. You can, too. The United Nations will stand with you,” said the UN chief, underscoring that every day, the UN feeds the hungry, shelters refugees and vaccinates children against deadly disease. “Every day, we defend human rights for all, regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender or sexual orientation,” and in that regard, he welcomed the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that paves the way for gay and lesbian Americans to have their relationship legally recognised, no matter which part of the United States they are living in.

Continuing, he said the United Nations had led the charge in dismantling colonialism, bringing freedom to millions. It had mobilized the world to defeat apartheid. Its peacekeepers are on the frontlines of war; our mediators bring warriors to the table of peace. “Yet tragedy has also been with us every step of the way. Genocide, war and a thousand daily indignities and abuse plague far too many people, especially women'” he said, explaining that conflict has forced more people to flee their homes today than at any time since the Second World War.

Strongly condemning the terrorist attacks carried out separately today in Tunisia, Kuwait and France, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon underscored that, far from weakening the world’s resolve, the heinous incidents will only strengthen commitment to defeating all forms of terrorism. In a statement released by his spokesperson in New York, Mr. Ban condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France, and stressed, “those responsible for these appalling acts of violence must be swiftly brought to justice.” In a separate statement, the UN Security Council condemned the incidents equally strongly, laying out the specific circumstances of the attacks: against a chemical products factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, France, triggering an explosion and killing at least one through a gruesome beheading while injuring others; a bomb attack in a Shiite mosque in Kuwait City, Kuwait, killing at least 24 and injuring many more; and gunmen attacking a tourist hotel near Sousse, Tunisia, killing at least 37 and injuring many others. (Photo UN Press)

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Brindisi ospita le celebrazioni del "International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers"
Un lungomare cittadino gremito di militari, fanfare, studenti e tanto pubblico
ha fatto da location ideale per la manifestazione organizzata dalla base GSC/UNLB sita nel capoluogo

BRINDISI (Italy) - Si è svolta, in questo 29 maggio, la celebrazione della Giornata Mondiale dedicata alle operazioni di Peacekeeping delle Nazioni Unite. In concomitanza con il 70esimo anniversario della nascita dell’Onu e del 60esimo anniversario della adesione italiana all’Organizzazione, il Centro Servizi Globale delle Nazioni Unite insieme al Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale hanno scelto la città di Brindisi per celebrare questi due importanti eventi.

Occasione, questa, anche per ufficializzare che la Regata Internazionale "Brindisi-Corfù" 2015 si arricchirà della presenza della barca che veleggerà con i loghi delle organizzazioni che si occupano di peacekeeping ed emergenze umanitarie. "Team Sistiana", sarà, infatti, l'imbarcazione ambasciatrice delle attività del Global Service Center delle Nazioni Unite (UNGSC/UNLB), dell'Humanitarian Response Depot delle Nazioni Unite (WFP-UNHRD), della Cooperazione Italiana per lo Sviluppo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri (MAE), di INTERSOS e del Rotary International.

La manifestazione è iniziata in mattinata con la visita delle autorità nazionali ed estere alla base che GSC/UNLB detiene presso l’aeroporto militare del capoluogo ed è proseguita nel pomeriggio presso il suggestivo scenario del lungomare Regina Margherita di Brindisi e con lo sfondo dell’imponente Monumento dedicato ai marinai caduti in mare. Una location che ha visto sfilare i Plotoni e le Fanfare dell’Esercito, Marina, Aeronautica e Carabinieri nonché rappresentative di associazioni d’arma e del Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta. Importante la presenza all'evento di Mr. Rudy Sanchez, Officer-in-Charge, Department of Field Support to the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations che insieme a Mr. Nicholas Von Ruben, direttore della locale base GSC/UNLB, ha fatto gli onori di casa ai rappresentanti delle tantissime istituzioni territoriali e nazionali intervenuti per la prestigiosa occasione.

Una manifestazione "cittadina" arricchita sia da un numerosissimo pubblico sia dalle “note” offerte dal prestigioso Liceo Musicale “Marzolla-Simone-Durano” di Brindisi che ha accompagnato gli ingressi delle bandiere italiane e United Nations suonandone gli inni. Ad aprire i saluti istituzionali è Fabio Graziosi, responsabile per l’Italia di UNRIC che ha spiegato l’importanza di celebrare le operazioni di Peacekeeping. Istituite nel 1948, le “operazioni di Peacekeeping” si occupano di mantenere la pace e la sicurezza nel mondo attraverso mezzi prettamente pacifici.

I Peacekeepers, meglio noti come “caschi blu” affrontano ogni giorno innumerevoli sfide. Sono decine, oggi, le missioni a cui partecipano. Consenso delle parti, imparzialità e non violenza sono sempre stati i punti chiave delle loro operazioni in cui vengono supportati dalla presenza delle forze armate del paese ospitante. E per l’Italia - in rappresentanza del Ministero Difesa, Colonnello Sebastiano Longo, ha voluto ringraziare tutti coloro che ogni giorno rischiano la propria vita per garantire la pace, come la “Brigata Pinerolo appena tornata dall’impeganiva missione UNIFIL in Libano”.

Sempre Graziosi ha ribadito come, questo 2015 è importante non solo per la concomitanza degli anniversari oggi ricordati ma anche perché, in occasione della trentesima edizione della Regata Internazionale Brindisi-Corfù, le organizzazioni di GSC/UNLB, UNHRD e INTERSOS unitamente a Cooperazione Italiana del Ministero degli Affari Esteri italiano e Rotary International si uniranno nel portare lungo il Mar Adriatico, il senso delle proprie missioni di pace e umanitarie attraverso una competizione sportiva. (Marika Del Zotti)

La Base Logistica delle Nazioni Unite e’ situata a Brindisi (Italia), una localita’ strategica all’incrocio tra l’Europa, l’Africa e il Medio Oriente. La base, che e’ diventata operativa nel 1994 in conformita’ all’accordo, modificato nel 2001, tra il Segretariato Generale ONU ed il Governo italiano, ha assunto sempre maggior importanza come hub operativo per il DPKO fuori da New York. La base fu costruita con lo scopo principale di operare come logistico per le operazioni ONU nel mondo, ed ora svolge un ruolo fondamentale nel tutelare la gestione efficiente delle operazioni peacekeeping ed il rapido spiegamento di nuove missioni ONU. La Base Logistica di Brindisi assolve alle funzioni principali di centro di smistamento delle comunicazioni satellitari e di sostegno informatico alle operazioni ONU di peacekeeping. La base e’ inoltre fornita di strutture preposte per attivita’ di addestramento specializzato. In seguito alla creazione di un Integrated Training Service (ITS- servizi integrati di addestramento), il DPKO ha deciso di collocare la Training Delivery Section (Sezione di Addestramento) a Brindisi. Per promuovere un approccio coordinato, coerente, ed efficace alla ricerca e all’addestramento, la base di Brindisi offre l’opportunita’ di cooperare con altre istituzioni ed enti di ricerca e formazione siti in Italia, come lo United Nations Staff College a Torino (UNSSC) e la Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna a Pisa. Il DPKO ha scelto la base di Brindisi come sede della Standing Police Capacity (SPC – Forza della Polizia Permanente), un nuovo strumento volto a rafforzare la componente di polizia delle operazioni peacekeeping, stabilito dal Documento Finale del 2005. Centro di Eccellenza per le Unita’ di Polizia per la Stabilita’ (CoESPU).

Mr. Nicholas Von Ruben - Director "Global Service Centre" Brindisi. He has served in peacekeeping since 1994 when he started as a Regional Engineer in the former Yugoslavia (UNPROFOR). From there he moved to the Mission in Haiti (UNMIH), followed by two tours, totaling six years in Lebanon (UNIFIL), first as the Chief Engineer and later as the Chief of Integrated Support Services, in between which he had a fifteen month tour in Italy at the United Nations Logistics Base, Brindisi (UNLB), from where he deployed to help start up the mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL). Prior to taking up the post of Chief Engineer for peacekeeping at the UN Headquarters, in 2003, he undertook a four month assignment in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC). As Chief Engineer in New York he deployed to help start up the missions in Liberia (UNMIL) and Ivory Cost (ONUCI). In 2006 he was assigned as the Chief Integrated Support Services to the mission in Sudan (UNMIS), during which time he managed the logistics effort in supporting the African Union mission in Darfur (AMIS). He returned to UNHQ in December 2007 to act as the Special Assistant to the Under Secretary General for the Department of Field Support, followed by an assignment to Cyprus as Chief of Mission support for UNFICYP. He was recalled to Sudan to take over as Director of Mission Support in UNMIS, directing the support for the elections in that country as well as the referendum, which saw the south vote to secede.

He moved elements of UNMIS to the south and as Director of Mission Support for UNMISS, the new mission in the Republic of South Sudan, directed the effort to establish the new mission. A qualified Civil Engineer, Mr. von Ruben spent twenty years, after his national military service, in the private sector in various increasingly responsible positions including Regional Manager of a consulting engineer firm in South Africa to a Contracts Manager responsible for contracts spanning across south west England.

Fervono preparativi ed iscrizioni alla XXX Regata Internazionale Brindisi - Corfu'.

Dal 6 al 10 giugno più di cento imbarcazioni approderanno sul lungomare del capoluogo pugliese. Tra queste, la più attesa resta "Team Sistiana" che anche in questa 30esima edizione veleggerà quale ambasciatrice delle organizzazioni che si occupano di peacekeeping ed emergenze umanitarie .....

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Le United Nations celebrano il 70esimo anniversario nella giornata dedicata alle Operazioni di Pace
L'evento ricorda anche il sessantesimo dell'adesione italiana all'organizzazione ONU
Il programma del Peacekeepers' Day a Brindisi sede delle basi GSC/UNLB e WFP/UNHRD

BRINDISI (Italy) - Il Ruolo dell’Italia nelle Operazioni di Peacekeeping ONU. Il 29 maggio a Brindisi, sul Lungomare Regina Margherita alle ore 18.00, il Centro Servizi Globale delle Nazioni Unite di Brindisi, in collaborazione con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, invita la cittadinanza a celebrare la Giornata Internazionale dei Peacekeeper ONU 2015.

La manifestazione è organizzata nel quadro delle celebrazioni del 70° anniversario delle Nazioni Unite e del 60° anniversario dell’adesione dell’Italia alle Nazioni Unite che ricorrono entrambi nel 2015. Il Ministero della Difesa ci onora quest’anno con la presenza di plotoni e fanfare dell’Esercito, della Marina, dell’Aeronautica e dei Carabinieri per rendere omaggio ai Peacekeeper che adempiono quotidianamente al mandato ONU, creando le condizioni che favoriscano la pace, la stabilità e la ricostruzione in aree post-conflitto.

Programma di venerdì 29 maggio ore 18, Viale Regina Margherita di Brindisi
Parata di Plotoni e Fanfare di Esercito, Marina, Aeronautica, Carabinieri
Inno delle Nazioni Unite e Inno nazionale italiano
Saluti istituzionali
Presentazione della barca "Team Sistiana" che parteciperà alla Regata Brindisi-Corfù sotto l'egida ONU e WFP
Esibizione conclusiva degli studenti del Liceo Musicale "Marzolla-Simone-Durano" di Brindisi
che insieme agli alunni del Comprensivo "Casale" e "Centro" chiuderanno l'evento

Visualizza le attività della Base delle Nazioni Unite di Brindisi

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Keep the Dream Alive! The UN Charter 70th Anniversary
June 27, 10:30 am to 6 pm, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO (Usa) - In Celebration Of The Signing Of The United Nations Charter In San Francisco 1945, The United Nations Association Of San Francisco (UNA-SF) Will Co-Host A Free And Historic Event That Will Include Speakers, Educational Workshops, And A Special Concert, "The Way Chose You" Inspired By Dag Hammarskjöld’s Spiritual Journal "Markings," And Performed By The Swedish Choir Kloster Vocalis And Other Performers.

The 15th Anniversary Of The United Religions Initiative Will Also Be Folded Into This Event, Which Will Be Held At Grace Cathedral In San Francisco. The Event Will Hold Up The Sustainable Development Goals And Encourage A Season Of Peace Education About UN Values From June Through October. It Will Also Incorporate Artistic Gifts Honoring The Depth And Global Commitments Of The Late United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld. The Gathering Will Be A Step In A Journey Of Peace Making In Order To Keep The Dream Alive. Shared Educational Programs Will Follow.

The United Nations Conference On International Organization Took Place From April 25 June 26, 1945 In San Francisco. The Convention Resulted In The Adoption Of The United Nations Charter Which, Was Opened For Signature On June 26th. The Following Slideshow Highlights Landmarks And Events At The Conference. All Photos Were Taken By The United Nations And New Ones Will Be Posted Weekly.

WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED - To Save Succeeding Generations From The Scourge Of War, Which Twice In Our Lifetime Has Brought Untold Sorrow To Mankind, And To Reaffirm Faith In Fundamental Human Rights, In The Dignity And Worth Of The Human Person, In The Equal Rights Of Men And Women And Of Nations Large And Small, And To Establish Conditions Under Which Justice And Respect For The Obligations Arising From Treaties And Other Sources Of International Law Can Be Maintained, And To Promote Social Progress And Better Standards Of Life In Larger Freedom.

AND FOR THESE ENDS - To Practice Tolerance And Live Together In Peace With One Another As Good Neighbours, And To Unite Our Strength To Maintain International Peace And Security, And To Ensure, By The Acceptance Of Principles And The Institution Of Methods, That Armed Force Shall Not Be Used, Save In The Common Interest, And To Employ International Machinery For The Promotion Of The Economic And Social Advancement Of All Peoples.

HAVE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUR EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH THESE AIMS - Accordingly, Our Respective Governments, Through Representatives Assembled In The City Of San Francisco, Who Have Exhibited Their Full Powers Found To Be In Good And Due Form, Have Agreed To The Present Charter Of The United Nations And Do Hereby Establish An International Organization To Be Known As The United Nations.

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Women in peacekeeping
Why is it important to have female peacekeepers?

ROMA (Italy) - Female peacekeepers act as role models in the local environment, inspiring women and girls in often male-dominated societies to push for their own rights and for participation in peace processes.

The increased recruitment of women is critical for: empowering women in the host community; addressing specific needs of female ex-combatants during the process of demobilizing and reintegration into civilian life; helping make the peacekeeping force approachable to women in the community; interviewing survivors of gender-based violence; mentoring female cadets at police and military academies; interacting with women in societies where women are prohibited from speaking to men. The presence of women peacekeepers can also: help to reduce conflict and confrontation; improve access and support for local women; provide role models for women in the community; provide a greater sense of security to local populations, including women and children; broaden the skill set available within a peacekeeping mission.

Women are deployed in all areas – police, military and civilian – and have made a positive impact on peacekeeping environments, both in supporting the role of women in building peace and protecting women's rights. In all fields of peacekeeping, women peacekeepers have proven that they can perform the same roles, to the same standards and under the same difficult conditions, as their male counterparts. It is an operational imperative that we recruit and retain female peacekeepers.

In 1993, women made up 1% of deployed uniformed personnel. In 2014, out of approximately 125,000 peacekeepers, women constitute 3% of military personnel and 10% of police personnel in UN Peacekeeping missions.

While the UN encourages and advocates for the deployment of women to uniformed functions, the responsibility for deployment of women in the police and military lies with Member States. UN Police Division launched 'the Global Effort' to recruit more female police officers into national police services and into UN police operations around the world.
Striving towards gender parity amongst UN staff is a priority for the UN Secretary-General. At the UN Headquarters in 2012, 48 per cent of staff were women and 52 per cent men, with the most disparity showing at the mid and senior levels. In peacekeeping operations and special political missions, the figures are more challenging, with women making up only 29 percent of international and 17 per cent of national staff. (Photo UN Press)

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The 70th anniversary of the United Nations is an opportunity to reflect

2015 marks the global celebration of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, which aims to honour the historic breadth of the Organization’s development, security and human rights work. The “UN70” celebration also aims to unite Member States, global civil society and the many individual women and men working in common cause to enable a strong UN to realize a better world.
The 70th anniversary of the United Nations is an opportunity to reflect – to look back on the UN’s history and take stock of its enduring achievements. It is also an opportunity to spotlight where the UN – and the international community as a whole – needs to redouble its efforts to meet current and future challenges across the three pillars of its work: peace and security, development, and human rights.

What is peacekeeping? United Nations Peacekeeping helps countries torn by conflict create conditions for lasting peace. Peacekeeping has proven to be one of the most effective tools available to the UN to assist host countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. Peacekeeping has unique strengths, including legitimacy, burden sharing, and an ability to deploy and sustain troops and police from around the globe, integrating them with civilian peacekeepers to advance multidimensional mandates. UN Peacekeepers provide security and the political and peacebuilding support to help countries make the difficult, early transition from conflict to peace. UN Peacekeeping is guided by three basic principles: Consent of the parties; Impartiality; Non-use of force except in self-defence and defence of the mandate. Peacekeeping is flexible and over the past two decades has been deployed in many configurations. There are currently 16 UN peacekeeping operations deployed on four continents. Today's multidimensional peacekeeping operations are called upon not only to maintain peace and security, but also to facilitate the political process, protect civilians, assist in the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants; support the organization of elections, protect and promote human rights and assist in restoring the rule of law. Success is never guaranteed, because UN Peacekeeping almost by definition goes to the most physically and politically difficult environments. However, we have built up a demonstrable record of success over our 60 years of existence, including winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Peacekeeping has always been highly dynamic and has evolved in the face of new challenges. Recently, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon established a 17-member High-level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations to make a comprehensive assessment of the state of UN peace operations today, and the emerging needs of the future. (Photo UN Press)


The 70th anniversary of the United Nations is a timely opportunity to highlight its many and enduring achievements and to strengthen our collective resolve to do more to promote peace and security, sustainable development and human rights. Every day, the United Nations makes a positive difference for millions of people: vaccinating children; distributing food aid; sheltering refugees; deploying peacekeepers; protecting the environment; seeking the peaceful resolution of disputes and supporting democratic elections, gender equality, human rights and the rule of law. Only when we work together can we overcome shared threats and seize shared opportunities; only at the United Nations can all countries – large and small, rich and poor – and all people have their voices heard. In our rapidly changing world, the United Nations remains humankind’s invaluable instrument of common progress. Let us use this anniversary to reflect on the lessons of seven decades, and reaffirm our commitment to serve “we the peoples” and build lives of prosperity, security and dignity for all. (Ban Ki-moon)

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